१७ फागुन २०८१

Nepali youths take part in JCI Conference

१३ जेष्ठ २०७५, आईतवार १०:१४ मा प्रकाशित

Japan (Kagoshima), May 27 (RSS): The Nepali team participating at the Junior Chamber International (JCI) ASCAP International Conference in Kagoshima in Japan has concluded that country’s development and prosperity can be possible by using young human resources.

At the four-day conference which began on May 24, the Nepali youths called for a strategy to hone the leadership and individualistic qualities of the youths in order seek the country’s development and prosperity.

A 60 – member team from Nepal led by Nepal JCI – Year 2018 National Chairman Senator Sridhar Basyal took part in the conference. The Nepali team made a presentation calling for youths’ engagement in the country.

The conference saw participation of youths from 46 different countries around the globe. They exchanged views on globalization, relations and other subjects.

Pradiman Baidya, Nepal JCI Year – 2018 Coordinator, called the conference fruitful for Nepal and the Nepali including Nepal JCI.

The conference participated by youths under the age of 40 expects the event to provide support to the young professionals to enhance their quality in their respective sectors. The conference was participated by 10,000 representatives and monitors.

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