१२ फागुन २०८१

Customs duty on Sugar to be increased cent per cent

४ बैशाख २०७५, मंगलवार २२:०३ मा प्रकाशित

Kathmandu, April 17 (RSS): The Government has decided to increase customs duty on Sugar in order to encourage the domestic sugar industries.
The Council of Ministers that met at the Prime Minister’s Official residence at Baluwatar this evening decided to increase the tariff from existing 15 per cent to 30 per cent, according to Minister of State for Information and Communications Technology Gokul Prasad Banskota. The new customs duty will be enforced soon.
Likewise, the government has increased the rate of sugarcane by 5.56 rupees per quintal. Accordingly, the new price of sugarcane per quintal is Rs. 536.56 against the existing Rs. 531 per quintal. Necessary framework will also be developed soon to not allow the factory production price of sugar to be increased from the current Rs. 70, Banskota said.
Meanwhile, the cabinet today decided to hand over the 6.6 km of land in the Satungal area to build the outer-ring road to the Valley Development Authority.
The government has also introduced the executive decision to manage international security management between province and federation.
The meeting has also decided not to register and renew the transportation sector related organizations and institutions from the district administration office.
Such organizations and institutions should be registered and renewed from the office of the company registrar or from line ministries.
The meeting has appointed Tulasi Prasad Gautam to the post of administrator at the office of Employees Provident Fund. The cabinet also permitted to forward the concept of the bill related to foreign exchange management.
Similarly, financial work procedure (first amendment) bill drafted to ensure e-payment was also approved by the government.

Government spokesperson Banskota shared that the meeting scrapped six departments of 12 ministries as these ministries had 40 departments, and is now reduced to 34.
With this decision, positions of 946 employees will be laid off. Government is reducing the numbers of employees at the Ministries in federal level with the establishment of provincial Ministries in all seven Provinces.

तपाईंको प्रतिकृयाहरू


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